SKIF Grading schedule     


Club Gradings are arranged every three months, which take place at the Kodokai Honbu dojo in Watford.  Students are required to have completed a set number of lessons before they are considered for a grading and must have a clear understanding of their set syllabus.  Sensei Leigh and a panel of senior Kodokai black belts will grade students up to 3rd Kyu, while all students grading for 3rd kyu and above will be graded by Kancho Kanazawa 10th Dan head of SKIF, on one of his twice yearly visits to this country.

Once graded the student receives a certificate, has their licence stamped and proceeds to the next colour belt.  The waiting time between grades is 3 months minimum for Kyu grades up to 3rd Kyu, 6months for 2nd/1st Kyu and 1 year for 1st Dan (Shodan).  2nd Dan (Nidan) 3 years.  3rd Dan (Sandan) 4 years.  4th Dan (Yondan) 5 years etc. 



9th Kyu 8th Kyu 7th Kyu 6th Kyu 5th Kyu 4th Kyu 3rd Kyu




st K yu

Follow the colour bar to the required Grading Syllabus.

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